Water & Nature

Conserving Nature, Preserving Life

We engage in the protection and preservation of nature by conserving water through efficient water management, good mining practices, establishing nature conservation areas in our operational areas, implementing sustainable post-mining programs on former mining lands, and developing action plans for biodiversity protection. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • ● SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
  • ● SDG 15: Life on land

Conserving Nature, Preserving Life

Water resource management and mine revitalization are key pillars in our efforts to manage water resources by reducing raw water usage by up to 10% by 2030 compared to the 2019 baseline. In 2030, we aim to sustainably manage the former mining land in Cibadak. Emphasis on nature conservation, endemic plants, and collaborative efforts with all parties underlines our commitment to a sustainable future and the preservation of Indonesia’s natural wealth.