Corporate Performance Rating Assessment Program
Ministry of Environment & Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia

Efficiency and Innovation

Our efforts in environmental management, as well as the resolution of social and environmental issues are carried out in efficient, responsible and sustainable manner. They are evident with the 2022 PROPER rating, where Cilacap Plant once again achieved the Gold rating for the 7th time, making SBI the only company in the cement industry to achieve this highest rating. Additionally, the Lhoknga, Tuban, and Narogong Plants successfully obtained the Green rating.

Tuban Plant

Tuban Plant performance in 2023:

  • ● Water efficiency: 35,790 m3
  • ● Energy efficiency: 12,168 GJ
  • ● Greenhouse gas emission reduction: 16.028 ton CO2eq
  • ● Tuban Plant obtained Green PROPER
Information about Tuban Plant

Tuban Plant relies on solid teamwork and consistency in complying with regulations to ensure that operations do not cause environmental pollution. Importantly, the plant is dedicated to seeking innovations in renewable energy to maintain its prestigious Green rating.

In the PROPER 2022 period, Tuban Plant implemented various innovation programs for all natural resource criteria. These ranged from energy efficiency through dynamic seal modification in Coal Mill 2, a NOx reduction program to decrease emissions, operational improvements in the kiln to increase the lifespan of bricks and reduce hazardous waste generation. Additionally, conservation efforts for Tuban's typical palm trees in the mining area were carried out to preserve biodiversity.

Tuban Plant also makes efforts to improve the community's economy through the Empowered Women program (pictured alongside), which promotes the concept of integrated empowerment for coastal communities, industry, and agriculture.

Biodiversity of Tuban Plant

PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk, Tuban Plant, in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), has developed a 111-hectare conservation area in the village of Mliwang since 2013. This area includes ponds and hills that serve as habitats for various species. Monitoring from 2019-2022 shows an increase in the population of Australasian Grebe in the Mliwang pond, while the 2023 monitoring records an increase in mammals in the hill area. In addition, the land is also planted with various types of versatile and fast-growing plants.

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