Cilacap Plant

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environment & social issues by Cilacap Plant

Resilient Solutions Together: Collaboration Between SBI Cilacap Plant and BPBD Cilacap, Empowering Disaster-Resilient Communities

Dewi Hestyani, Andika Prastya, Budi Nurochman, M. Fauzi

Editor: Putut Hardi Suseno

Pages: 91

Size: A5


The collaboration for disaster preparedness empowerment serves as a response to the challenges faced by communities in disaster-prone areas. The unbroken chain between SBI Cilacap Plant, BPBD Cilacap, and the community offers a long-term solution in building resilient communities. The explanation regarding the dynamics of Cilacap’s community, collaborative actions, and the empowerment initiatives implemented by SBI Cilacap Plant is expected to provide momentum in shaping resilient communities before, during, and after disasters.