Access book synopsis related to issue resolution environment & social issues by Cilacap Plant
Managing the Environment, Maintaining Future Sustainability
Umar Sigit, Alfita Sofia Y., Dea Yulistia, Erda Cantia A, Galih Adi W
Pages 50
Size: A5
Sustainable environmental management is always pursued in all aspects of the production process at PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk – Tuban Plant. This management starts from greening efforts as the backbone of biodiversity conservation with the From and for plants (DUTA) program, to efforts to reduce emissions with the bag broken locator innovation. This innovation program can accelerate the process of improving air pollution control facilities in cement manufacturing.
Books can be found at Solusi Bangun Indonesia: Cilacap: Jl. Ir Juanda, Cilacap, Central Java