Cilacap Plant

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environment & social issues by Cilacap Plant

Managing the Environment, Maintaining Future Sustainability


Umar Sigit, Widjayadi, Feny Eka Juliani, Faiz Kurniawan, Ade Eko Sugiono, Sapto Sugiono

Pages: 70

Size: A5


PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI) Cilacap Factory, one of SIG’s business units in running a business or operation that adheres to various applicable regulations. Obedience and innovation that continue to be carried out are proof of commitment to running a business or operation with an environmental perspective. The main objective is the sustainability of three interrelated aspects or pillars, namely environmental aspects (planet), business (profit), and society (people), known as the Triple Bottom Line balance. Achieving a sustainable balance is the main capital to achieve a better future for generations to come.