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As the year 2023 draws to a close, Solusi Bangun Indonesia (SBI) has achieved four Green PROPER Awards

Jakarta, December 26, 2023 – PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI), a subsidiary of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or SIG, once again demonstrated its commitment to environmental management around its operational areas by achieving the Green PROPER award for its four plants from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia on December 20, 2023, in Jakarta.

“This achievement is a testament to SBI’s commitment to always prioritize sustainable development principles in all operational activities and has become a competitive advantage for the company. Through strategies and roadmaps to achieve sustainability targets, SBI has developed sustainable development solutions to help realize environmentally friendly construction, efficient environmental management (climate, water, and nature), circular economy, and various initiatives for the development and empowerment of employees and communities,” said Lilik Unggul Raharjo, CEO of SBI.

Narogong Plant

At the Narogong Plant, this achievement was attained through eco-innovation initiatives related to the principles of the circular economy from the 2021 LCA study with cradle-to-gate scope, such as energy efficiency of 1,026,022 GJ, reduction of 480,300 tons of CO2 greenhouse gas emissions, utilization of hazardous waste amounting to 273 tons and non-hazardous waste of 1,269 tons, reduction of water pollution load by 0.24 tons, preservation of flora and fauna, and the development of KORSA BUMI (Earth Care Cooperative) as a community empowerment solution based on economic development and social responsibility. To date, the number of beneficiaries from the KORSA BUMI program has reached more than 8,000 participants.

In addition, KORSA BUMI has also initiated environmental care activities through the Serbu Pacu program (Plant a Thousand Trees for Future Generations), a movement to plant a minimum of 1,000 trees involving various community elements and stakeholders to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions (global warming).

These initiatives have earned the KORSA BUMI program appreciation from the Cooperative and SME Agency of Bogor Regency for its concern for SME development, as well as from the Klapanunggal District Government as a Pioneer of Environmental Cooperative (Green Cooperative).

Tuban Plant

The SBI Plant in Tuban, East Java, strives for optimal efficiency in production processes through various innovation programs and has successfully recorded a reduction in energy consumption by 12,168 GJ. In addition to energy consumption reduction, the Tuban Plant also undertakes initiatives to improve air quality, efficiently utilize natural resources, and various programs to enhance biodiversity.

For community development and empowerment, the Tuban Plant implements the clean water distribution program Metu Banyune in Mliwang Village, a social innovation for the development and mentoring of the Metu Banyune Farmer Group utilizing land and surface water for melon farming.

Cilacap Plant

The same efforts are mirrored at the SBI Plant in Cilacap. The Cilacap Plant implements eco-innovation programs such as integrated waste management with biomembrane technology, resulting in a reduction contribution of 28,747.09 CO2 greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to reducing greenhouse gases, the Cilacap Plant also conducts water efficiency programs and spirulina microalgae cultivation, contributing to a reduction of 20.46 tons of CO2 emissions within the plant area.

On the social front, the SBI Cilacap Plant runs the CSR Baruwani Ranajaya program. This program has successfully formed 16 waste banks, with 10 of them producing processed waste products.

Lhoknga Plant

Not to be outdone, the Lhoknga Plant also implements efficiency programs in environmental management. Examples include reducing water pollution by 17,406.8 m3, energy efficiency in raw material milling processes reducing energy consumption by 1,729.16 GJ, and reducing carbon emissions by 39,356.13 tons CO2 Eq. By December 2023, the Lhoknga Plant has also greened 14.96 hectares of clay mining areas and 16.1 hectares of limestone mining areas.

Looking ahead, SBI will continue to focus on and strengthen innovation based on sustainability principles, from digitalization applications for efficient operations, utilization of alternative raw materials and fuels to improve coal efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, to creating sustainable construction solutions to meet current and future development needs for resilient and environmentally friendly solutions, as well as social innovations to further enhance community empowerment.