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Encouraging Employees to Volunteer: Solusi Bangun Indonesia Provides Waste Management Education to Students of Sekolah Alam Indonesia

Jakarta, September 24, 2024 – As one of the essential needs for children’s growth and development, a healthy environment has become a challenge, especially in urban areas. Poorly managed waste has become a serious threat to the environment, polluting water, soil, and air. Recognizing the importance of environmental education, particularly in waste management, PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI), a subsidiary of SIG, deployed several employees as volunteers in the “Kelola Sampah Sekitar Kita” (Kelas Kita) program for students at Sekolah Alam Indonesia Meruyung in Depok, on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. Attendees included SBI Manufacturing Director Soni Asrul Sani and Director of Human Capital, Legal & Corporate Affairs Ony Suprihartono.

The Kelas Kita program in Meruyung was the second event held by SBI through its environmentally friendly waste management division, Nathabumi. The program involves SBI employees as volunteers to teach waste sorting and composting through interactive and fun play methods. The first Kelas Kita program was conducted at Sekolah Alam Cibinong in 2023.

Opening Kelas Kita, SBI’s Director of Human Capital, Legal & Corporate Affairs, Ony Suprihartono, stated that the Kelas Kita program is another form of cross-stakeholder collaboration carried out by SBI in realizing sustainable development.

“SBI believes that sustainable development is not only in the form of physical construction but also aligns with environmental protection and social responsibility. The Kelas Kita program is concrete action and a demonstration of our commitment to creating a healthy environment and a viable future for our children to grow up in,” said Ony Suprihartono.

Principal of Sekolah Alam Indonesia in Meruyung, Aditya Widi Nugraha, expressed appreciation to SBI for organizing the Kelas Kita program at Sekolah Alam Indonesia in Meruyung. “The Kelas Kita program is very relevant to the learning concept at our school, which applies the 7 Green Principles of Sekolah Alam Indonesia, emphasizing exposure and hands-on experience in the school environment. We fully support programs that enrich children’s knowledge, making them more accustomed to sustainable living and increasingly respecting the environment,” said Aditya Widi Nugraha.

In addition to educational programs on waste sorting and composting for school students, SBI has previously collaborated with local governments in utilizing RDF (Refuse-Derived Fuel) from urban waste management. SBI pioneered the application of RDF technology in Indonesia to help local governments tackle waste problems and find a source of alternative, lower-carbon fuel. To date, SBI has partnered with the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Aceh, Pemprov Jakarta, Banyumas Regency Government, Cilacap Regency Government, Bantul Regency Government, Sleman Regency Government, Temanggung Regency Government, Yogyakarta City Government, Sumenep Regency Government, Banyuwangi Regency Government, Jembrana Regency Government, and waste management authorities in Denpasar, Bali.

Fitri Agus Wahyudi, an employee from the concrete business unit who participated as a volunteer, was enthusiastic about being involved in the Kelas Kita program. “Usually, I go to work every morning, but today I went to a school to teach. I am very happy because aside from my main job, this is an opportunity to contribute more to the environment by directly engaging with the community, in this case, the school environment,” said Agus.

The students of SAI Meruyung participating in Kelas Kita were in the 5th and 6th grades of elementary school. Faida Alkarimah, a 5th-grade student at Sekolah Alam Indonesia in Meruyung, expressed her hopes after learning about composting today. “I hope that by composting, more plants will grow and the environment will no longer be polluted by waste,” said Faida.