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Weaving Hope, Reaping Success, Inspiration for Sustainable CSR Change in Tanoh Aceh
Ronny, Pujiwiyono, Lena Yuliana, Mujito, Totok Sunaryanto, Wili Wiradandi Perdana, Adam Akbar Haq, Alfapetra Meisky Astawan
Pages: 89
Size: A4
he social and environmental responsibility program (TJSL) or what is familiar to our ears with the name corporate social responsibility also plays an important role in sustainable empowerment work in the community. The presence of companies in the community actually has the same essence as the presence of the government in improving the welfare and independence of the community.
The book Embroidering Hope Reaping Success, Inspiring Sustainable CSR Change in Tanoh Aceh contains a small number of stories of change as a benchmark for the success of TJSL programs carried out by PT Solusi Bangun Andalas in Lhoknga District and Leupung District, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province.
Through the stories in this book, readers will understand that success will always go hand in hand with effort and hard work, perseverance, an unyielding spirit, and also open access to capital and assistance. The last two things are efforts made by PT SBA in answering and responding to the voice of the community around the company.
This book opens our insight that sustainable programs will have a significant impact and form a wider network of benefits.
Books can be obtained at PT Solusi Bangun Andalas; Jl. Raya Banda Aceh-Meulaboh Km. 16.5, District/City